Create Space with a Mirror

The bathroom mirror is the kind of decorating detail that should receive far more attention than it does. After all, you look at it every day. It provides a critical function for daily grooming but is also a relatively easy way to inject a dose of personality and style into even the smallest bathrooms.

Aside from soaring ceilings and gigantic windows, there is no better friend to a small space than a well-placed bathroom mirror. Expanding walls, amplifying light, breaking up visual clutter, mirrors can be used to solve most any bathroom design dilemma.

Sometimes a bathroom mirror complements the bathroom by adding character and spark to a classic or clinical space. Other times the mirror itself plays second fiddle to a dramatic sink or tile. Whatever the case, choosing a mirror can be a fun and a low-effort way to decorate your bathroom.

Bathroom Mirror Tips

Create another window by placing a mirror next to or across from the real deal. The reflection maximises the effect of natural light and pleasant outdoor views, allowing you to appreciate them from multiple angles.


Hanging a mirror is a lot like hanging art. You may not know the rules you are following but you know when it looks wrong, whether the mirror is too small, too high, too low or too wide. Still, there are some very general (and not strict) guidelines for choosing and hanging a bathroom mirror.

Generally, you want to take into account the size of the sink, the height of those who use the bathroom regularly, and the wall space above. The top of the glass should be a few inches above the eye level of the tallest user in the family.

Nothing makes a bathroom feel grander than a mirror that reaches to the ceiling. Trimmed out in the tile, a tall, expansive mirror with lighting installed above it, or hanging in front of it, will double the light’s impact and make the bathroom space grow.

The mirror should be long enough vertically to allow everyone a decent reflection. Typically, the mirror should not be wider than the bathroom vanity. How far above the sink the mirror hangs will also depend on how high the ceilings are. It would look odd, for example, if a small mirror were flush against the sink with a huge expanse of wall space above.

With a creative approach and the right techniques, mirrors offer an inexpensive way to revitalise your bathroom.